10 Tools to Encourage Employee Mobilization in your Organization

Jan 1 / C3pH


Mobilizing and retaining employees is an important issue for the vast majority of organizations today. And with good reason: the 2020 pandemic has left many employees feeling deeply unwell, and many have voluntarily chosen to leave their jobs.

The talent shortage and fierce competition are forcing organizations to rethink their employee mobilization and retention strategies.

In the age of Management 3.0, adopting innovative management practices is essential to recruiting and retaining the best talent in your organization.

In this article, we talk about 10 tools and practical advice, taken from our e-learning course "Retaining and mobilizing employees with innovative management practices", to help you effectively implement your strategy to mobilize and retain employees in your organization.

Employee Mobilization : Definition

Employee mobilization is not just about whether a person likes their job or not. It's not just about whether someone is motivated or not.

Taking an interest in employee mobilization and measuring it will tell you how committed your team is to their work and how aligned they are with your organization's values

Mobilized employees will have a clear vision and understanding of the goals they want to achieve. 

As a manager or leader, understanding the level of mobilization in your organization is important because you can develop strategies to continuously improve mobilization and encourage retention.

You wouldn't want your employees to leave for the competition, would you? By implementing a well thought-out employee mobilization and retention strategy, you're betting on the long-term success of your organization and avoiding the significant costs associated with a high turnover rate.
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The Importance of Employee Mobilization

Organizations that implement an innovative employee mobilization strategy can demonstrate a steady improvement in productivity, customer satisfaction and employee well-being.

We're not just saying this. It's proven by studies conducted by Gallup and Harvard Business Review . 

When your employees are mobilized, the work environment becomes a place of positive attitudes. 

A number of studies have shown that employee commitment is an essential element of high-performance organizations.

They show the importance of innovative management practices that promote mobilization to increase productivity and well-being.

Some of the most relevant studies include :

  • An analysis carried out in 2016 by Gallup which states that committed teams have less turnover, 21% higher profitability and 10% higher customer ratings.

  • Best Buy is regarded as a benchmark for calculating return on investment. An increase in employee mobilization of just 0.01% in a Best Buy shop is worth $100,000 to the company, according to a study by Harvard Business review.

  • According to a Gallup survey between 2020 and 2021, 74% of disengaged workers are either actively looking for a new job or on the lookout for opportunities.

  • Mobilized employees are 87% less likely to leave their jobs, according to the Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology at Work. This limits the costs involved in recruiting and training new employees.

In our e-learning course "Retaining and mobilising employees through innovative management practices", we share multiple studies and practical solutions to encourage employee mobilization and retention in your organization.
In the meantime, we invite you to read on to discover 10 tools that you, as a manager or leader, can use on a daily basis to encourage employee mobilization in your organization.
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10 Tools to Encourage Employee Involvement in your Organisation

There are many online tools available to help managers maintain a high level of mobilization within their organisation. 

We have had the opportunity to test and analyze how these tools work, and have selected 10 that we think are relevant for everyday use.

These tools will help you to :
  • Give and receive continuous feedback 
  • Find out how employees in your organization feel 
  • Have face-to-face discussions 
  • Setting and monitoring important objectives 
  • Recognize your employees and their achievements  
  • Feed your decisions with objective data and information

: Amélio is a survey tool that can be used to gather the opinions of your organization's employees in order to identify strengths and areas for improvement based on the different drivers of mobilization. The tool will enable you to act on issues before they become a problem. Amélio will guide you in making the best decisions for your staff, based on the facts. C3pH has been a proud partner of Amélio since its creation!
Officevibe : Officevibe is a platform with a similar purpose to Amélio. This tool lets you create surveys for your team, give and receive feedback, create collaborative diaries and give recognition to colleagues.
BambooHR : BambooHR is online human resources management software designed for small and growing businesses. The user-friendly interface facilitates the entire process of integrating, managing and retaining employees within an organization. It's an excellent tool for significantly improving engagement and mobilization.
Wooclap : Wooclap is an interactive platform that transforms the training experience in organizations. It allows you to launch live surveys and take the pulse of a group of any size. Wooclap was developed in collaboration with neuroscientists and teachers to maximize information retention. This platform integrates with the most popular professional tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and PowerPoint. It's the perfect tool for engaging your employees during your meetings and training sessions.
Weekdone : Weekdone is a tool for managers and leaders who want to understand their teams and organizations better. It allows you to monitor tasks and objectives, as well as gaining an overview of the issues facing your organization in the future. The automated tracking and live dashboards will help you, as a manager, to stay informed, track your employees' objectives and manage weekly activities.
C3pH : C3pH offers an interactive, human training experience through an innovative e-learning platform that can be accessed online, on a computer or by a mobile phone. Your employees will be able to receive ongoing training on professional topics and innovative management practices stemming from Management 3.0. We also offer online group training or face-to-face training in your organization, individual coaching and a toolbox with practice sheets and self-assessment questionnaires.
Kudos : Kudos is an online tool that allows managers and employees to give recognition in real time. This platform, which also acts as a corporate social network, will enable you to mobilize and involve your employees in a collaborative and fun way. You can customise the platform to suit your corporate culture and take advantage of the flexibility offered by Kudos.
Worktango : Worktango is an all-in-one platform for improving the employee experience within your organization. It brings together all the functions needed to give recognition, gather feedback, set common and individual objectives, foster communication and provide benefits. The platform also offers a host of resources for limiting absenteeism in your organisation and boosting productivity.

15Five : 15Five is a people-centric performance management platform that helps managers be more effective, employees be more engaged and businesses perform better. The platform offers everything a manager needs to have an impact on employee performance and motivation, including goal tracking (OKR) and feedback.

: Take a break with Trivia. This game brings teams together to play real-time games directly in Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Chat. Thanks to its seamless integration with these communication tools, employees can take quick breaks at any time of day without any advance planning. Today, Trivia has helped to strengthen the engagement of over 9,000 companies in 40 countries and is enjoyed by over 360,000 working professionals.

The Mobilization Radar

In our e-learning course "Retaining and mobilizing employees with innovative management practices", we also introduce other relevant tools, including the Mobilization Radar, an innovative tool designed by C3pH.

This tool allows you to rate the level of satisfaction of an individual, a team or an organization on 6 dimensions. Thanks to this tool, it is possible to quickly identify the issues on which priority action needs to be taken.
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